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Registry Reviver
Reviver Soft
0 reviews
9.2 k downloads

Diagnose and repair errors on your registry

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Reviewed by
Andrés López
Content Editor

Registry Reviver is a tool that can clean and repair all the errors in your Windows registry, optimizing the performance of your PC in the process.

The program gives you the chance to analyze certain parts of the computer such as the fonts, browsing history, or audio.

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Besides cleaning the registry, which is the most important element of the program, it also includes a Registry Reviver manager that runs during Windows startup, allowing you to choose which applications you want running in the background.

Registry Reviver is a good alternative to other similar programs. It has a good interface and good features.

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Information about Registry Reviver

License Trial
Op. System Windows
Category Start / Registry
Language English
1 more
Author Reviver Soft
Downloads 9,239
Date Nov 14, 2013
Content Rating Not specified
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